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„Think European, act regional
and be active locally."
"Eurode is borderless good!"
You will certainly be able to confirm this slogan after reading this website. As mayors of Eurode we know what we are talking about. Many a time we have sought and found unbureaucratic solutions for our cooperation - across national borders. Our many years of successful cooperation now extend through all areas of life - on both sides of the border.
Socially as well as politically, we in Herzogenrath and Kerkrade have found our way into a common Europe with the Eurode Zweckverband. Every day we live in a lively exchange and strive to consolidate this very special achievement of our two cities sustainably in the Euregio and to expand it even further in the future.
Whether in the fields of education, culture, law enforcement or rescue services - we seek networking in order to mutually benefit from it. After all, we together are not only geographically twice as big, have twice as many inhabitants and are twice as strong!
Eurode is worth a visit at any time - see for yourself. We wish you much reading pleasure!
Your Eurode Mayors.

Dr. Petra Dassen-Housen