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60.000 BC

First signs of human settlement in Land of Rode

12 BC – 406 AD

Roman settlement in Land of Rode


Annales Rodenses: first mention of “Land of Rode”

Middle Ages

Land of 's-Hertogenrode, along with Rode Castle, Rolduc Abbey and Baalsbrugger watermill, under the control of successive powers (Brabant, Hapsburg, Burgundy, Spain and the Netherlands)

1795 - 1815

French occupation


Congress of Vienna: Land of Rode divided into two along the Nieuwstraat/Neustrasse, with Rolduc Abbey and Baalsbrugger watermill now in Kerkrade (the Netherlands) and Rode Castle in Herzogenrath (Prussia).

1914 - 1945

In the wake of both World Wars, Kerkrade and Herzogenrath grow apart

after 1945

Kerkrade and Herzogenrath go their separate ways, one looking towards The Hague, the other towards Bonn/Dusseldorf

after 1950

Development of the European ideology and beginnings of cooperation between European countries (ECSC, BENELUX, EEC)

1960 - 1991

first informal contacts / cooperation between fire services in Kerkrade and Herzogenrath with joint exercises and first steps towards informal cooperation (precipitated by Treaty of Maastricht and the fall of the Berlin Wall)

Kerkrade and Herzogenrath sign a statement of intent for the intensification of cross-border cooperation
Opening of new road layout on Nieuwstraat/Neustraße and Signing of agreement for internationalisation of education
Commencement of bilingual Babel project in two primary schools each in Kerkrade and Herzogenrath respectively
Highest point attained in Plitschard development: cheaper housing in Herzogenrath in line with Dutch standards
(Neighbour) agreement between Kerkade and Herzogenrath with respect to mutual (fire-fighting) assistance
Stichting Eurodefeest/Stiftung Eurodefest becomes Stichting/Stiftung Eurode 2000+
1. January:
Inauguration of new cross-border public body EURODE
Opening of Eurode office
First Eurode medal of honour awarded to Thijs Wöltgens
Signing of cross-border policing agreement
The first-ministers of the Netherlands and the German state of North-Rhine Westphalia open the first European business centre: the Eurode Business Center (EBC)
Second Eurode medal of honour awarded to Theo Kutsch

Opening of the first cross-border police station in the EBC


- Martin Buber plaque awarded to former Federal German Chancellor, Helmut Schmidt and former Federal German President, Richard van Weizsäcker
- First cross-border commuters day in the EBC


Martin Buber plaque awarded to Karlheinz Böhm


- Third Eurode medal of honour awarded to Lilian Frederiks-Bos
- Martin Buber plaque awarded to Herman van Veen


Martin Buber plaque awarded to Klaus Maria Brandauer


Martin Buber plaque awarded to Waris Dirie


- German ambassador to the Netherlands, Thomas Läufer visits Eurode
- Opening of Lernwerkstatt by first-minister of North-Rhine Westphalia, Regina van Dinther
- Third tax protocol in operation at the EBC
- Secretary-general of the CDU and member of the German Bundestag, Ronald Pofalla visits Eurode
- Martin Buber plaque awarded to Mikhail Gorbachev and his daughter Irina

Eurodemijl/Eurodemeile festival Eurode
- Fourth Eurode medal of honour awarded to the fire services in Kerkrade and Herzogenrath
- Herzogenrath railway station becomes EURODE-Bahnhof
- Martin Buber plaque awarded to Liesje and Hugo Tempelman

Martin Buber plaque awarded to Her Royal Highness Princess Irene of the Netherlands


- Fifth Eurode medal of honour awarded to Ralf Klohr (Herzogenrath) and John Heckman (Kerkrade)
- Martin Buber plaque awarded to Peter Maffay


- Martin Buber plaque awarded to Gary Kasparov
- Opening Borderinformationpoint

- sixth Eurode Medal of Honor to Mr. Christiaan Melle Kuikman
- Martin Buber plaque to Hans-Dietrich Genscher

Martin Buber Plaque to Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden


Martin Buber plaque to Thomas Quasthoff


Martin Buber Plaque to Klaus Johannis (President of Romania)

- seventh Eurode Medal of Honor to Prof. Prof. h.c. Dr. Dr. Werner Heinrich Janssen M.A.
- Martin Buber Plaque to Father Shay Cullen

- eighth Eurode Medal of Honor to Mr. Jos Som
- Martin Buber plaque to Paul van Vliet


Martin Buber plaque to Andreas van Agt


Ninth Eurode Medal of Honor to Mr. Christoph von den Driesch.
Opening of the Eurode Friendship Meadow

Over ons / Über uns

Het openbaar lichaam Eurode is een samenwerkingsverband tussen de steden Kerkrade en Herzogenrath (DE) waarin lokale bestuurders, burgers en organisaties samen aan de oplossing van grensoverschrijdende kwesties werken.


Der Zweckverband Eurode ist eine Partnerschaft zwischen den Städten Herzogenrath und Kerkrade (NL), in der lokale Verwaltungen, Bürger und Organisationen zusammenarbeiten, um grenzüberschreitende Probleme zu lösen.


Contact / Kontakt

Openbaar Lichaam / Zweckverband Eurode

Eurodepark 1-10 - 52134 Herzogenrath - 6461KB Kerkrade


Tel. 0049 (0) 2406 999020


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